Ghanashvi Maritime with its associates has in-depth capabilities to carry out purchase of any kind of vessel.

Vessel pre purchase inspections

Everyone who has purchased a pre-owned shipping asset is aware that there can be hidden defects or problems in the vessel. Therefore, they opt for pre-purchase inspections of their acquisitions before investing in the asset. 

A pre-purchase inspection is carried out by ship inspectors on behalf of potential buyers, banks, insurance companies and investors as a part of their due diligence requirements. 

Buying a recreational boat or a commercial vessel is a huge and hefty investment. It can be overwhelming for any first-time buyer. There are various things to consider, questions to ask, elements and equipment to review, especially when a second-hand vessel is being purchased.

Therefore if you are a first-time buyer looking forward to purchasing a ship, don’t worry! We at GMS Marine can help take some of this stress off your shoulders. Here’s a walkthrough of all the details you need to know before making an informed decision

Vessel Life Extension & Upgradation Studies

GMS Marine out extensive vessel life extension studies for Ship owners who are keen to trade the vessel beyond her normal age.
The life extension program begins with an in-depth vessel inspection wherein all components of the vessel is closely inspected, documented and analyzed. Based on the life expectancy analysis, GMS presents phased renewals and upgrades with projected costs as may be found necessary 

to comply with owners requirements and also to satisfy Class, National and Statutory regulations
The life extension program can further be dovetailed with our asset integrity management to provide a comprehensive and holistic service.

Flag Change Studies

Every ship has a designated flag (Indian ship will have Indian flag, Panamian ship will have panamian flag etc..) therefore, a seafarer boarding a ship of a typical flag would require it’s documents to be approved hence, we are also associated with the service of “Flag Documentation”. If you need any document to be issued under a specific flag with the authorized authority we can be contacted.

We can help you to get the documentation done. Documents/License & Endorsement can be obtained for all the officers and ratings. Duplicate of license and courses can also be provided via approved authorities.

Panama Flag

Honduras Flag

Palau Flag

Liberian Flag

St kitts & Navis Flag

Marshal Island Flag

Bahamas Flag

Class Change vessel

Upgradation Studies

Dry dock and Repair

The meaning of dry dock is a structured area wherein construction, repairs and maintenance of merchant vessels and boats are carried out. This unique construction or arrangement allows the water to be filled up in an area, also known as a lock so that vessels can be manoeuvred in and out of the area.

Superintending Assistance 

A ship superintendent is a person who is in charge of ensuring whether the necessary repair works on a ship are being executed properly, especially during the dry dock of the ship. A ship superintendent’s role and scope, when it comes to the shipping industry, is huge and requires complete alertness and vigilance because of the great responsibilities bestowed upon him.

Owner Representative for New Shipbuilding

Ship Design

Naval architecture, or naval engineering, is an engineering discipline incorporating elements of mechanical, electrical, electronic, software and safety engineering as applied to the engineering design process, shipbuilding, maintenance, and operation of marine vessels and structures.

Selection & Procurement Support

Every new vessel acquisition presents numerous technical and commercial risks, particularly for complex, specialist or novel ship designs.  Effective management and mitigation of these risks from the earliest stages of the project helps to ensure delivery of the asset to time and budget.

GMS Marine has a strong track record of supporting both government and commercial clients through all stages of a vessel procurement project.

Ship Crew Deputation