Ghanashvi Maritime with its associates has in depth capabilities to
carry out retrofitting on of any kind of vessel.

Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS)

The ballast water treatment system injects an inert gas (such as nitrogen) into the tank or the ballast flow to asphyxiate the organisms. This system can be effective, but it is important to note that this process takes two to four days and requires the tanks to be sealed against atmospheric oxygen.

Scrubber System

Scrubber systems (e.g. chemical scrubbers, gas scrubbers) are a diverse group of air pollution control devices that can be used to remove some particulates and/or gases from industrial exhaust streams

Propulsion System

A propulsion system is a machine that produces thrust to push an object forward. On airplanes, thrust is usually generated through some application of Newton’s third law of action and reaction.

Deck Modification